How old is Bill Handel? When is Bill Handel's birthday? Where is Bill Handel born? Where did Bill Handel grow up from? What's Bill Handel's age?
Bill Handel Born: August 25, 1951 (age 71years), Brazil
Is Bill Handel married? When did Bill Handel get married? Who's Bill Handel's married to? (Who's Bill Handel's husband / wife)?
Bill Handel Spouse: Marjorie Handel
How about Bill Handel's parents?
Bill Handel Parents: Nechama Handel, Leo Handel
How about Bill Handel's sibling?
Bill Handel Sibling: Mark Handel
Does Bill Handel have any children? What are the names of Bill Handel's children? What are the ages of Bill Handel's children?
Bill Handel Children: Pamela Handel, Barbara Handel
How about Bill Handel's education?
Bill Handel Education: California State University, Northridge, Whittier Law School, Whittier College, Birmingham Community High School
Why did KFI change their schedule?
Relocating into evenings (7-10pm) is \u201cLater, with Mo'Kelly\u201d hosted by Morris O'Kelly. PD Robin Bertolucci tells Inside Radio the changes are aimed to deliver more variety to KFI listeners. \u201cIt's a fun tweak because we're just making space so we have more variety,\u201d she said.