Lou Holtz wife, age, children, wiki, biography, net worth facts to know

Lou Holtz is a famous figure in the football world. Previously an American football player, he is now known for his outstanding coaching skills. 4 steps will guide you through Top Twenty. As part of a regular family, his mother is a housewife and his father is a bus driver, so he stands out in

Lou Holtz is a famous figure in the football world. Previously an American football player, he is now known for his outstanding coaching skills. 4 steps will guide you through Top Twenty.

As part of a regular family, his mother is a housewife and his father is a bus driver, so he stands out in events such as soccer players and coaches.

He is known for his critical thinking, and is currently on a variety of TV shows analyzing football. It was his first sports chat show on ESPN.

Lou Holtz Wiki

NameLou Holtz
BirthdayJanuary 6, 1937
Height5 feet 3 inches
Weight56 Kg
ProfessionFootball Coach
ParentsAnne Marie, Andrew Holtz
Net Worth$20 million
Salary$6 million (annual)
WifeBeth Barcus
EducationKent State University

Lou Holtz Net Worth

Lets check out Lou Holtz Net worth income salary 2021 report details which is given below

Total Lou Holtz Net Worth in 2021 $1 Million – $5 Million (Approx.) 

Lou Holtz Education

Lou Holtz completed their High School education with Good Grades in the University.

Lou Holtz Wikipedia

At this moment no more Wikipedia information about Lou Holtz .


Now at this moment Lou Holtz relationship between them remains strong and there are no signs of complications or problems. They also have a mutual love and affection for each other.

Lou Holtz How Tall, Weight & Body Measurement

Lou Holtz stands at a well height with good body measurements and also has a fair body weight to match height.

Lou Holtz Social Media

Since from past months Lou Holtz attracted a lot of attention from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube with having thousand of active followers.

