What happened to Tangmo Nida? Thai actress found dead in river, days after going missing

Thai actress Tangmo Nida has passed away after a fatal fall from a speedboat. Her body was recovered 38 hours after her fall, from the Chao Phraya River at 1.10pm on Saturday. The 37-year-old went missing just two days prior to her death.

Thai actress Tangmo Nida has passed away after a fatal fall from a speedboat. Her body was recovered 38 hours after her fall, from the Chao Phraya River at 1.10pm on Saturday. The 37-year-old went missing just two days prior to her death.

As per the local reports, Nida “Tangmo” Patcharaveerapong was traveling with a small group of friends on the boat. Tanupat Lerttaweewit, the owner of the water vehicle, may now face charges of death caused by negligence. Another man called “Bert” who was on the speedboat as well, may face charges of driving the boat without a license as well.

Tangmo Nida was in the boat with six other people, including her manager Kratik. She was traveling from the Thon Burgi Bridge to the Nonthaburi province.

Tangmo Nida’s friends questioned following actress’ death

Thai PBS World reported that she fell off the boast at 11.00pm. As mentioned above, her body was recovered many hours after she drowned. Police are now questioning the group as to why it took so long for the actress’ death to be reported.

Tanupat told law enforcement that he was too shocked by the incident to immediately report about it. The speedboat passengers were not wearing jackets while on board, as well. Tanupat claimed that they did not do so as they were unaware of where they had been kept.

He pleaded with the media, asking for forgiveness following Tangmo Nida’s death. He said:

“We are very sorry, we are saddened by the incident.”

Tangmo Nida’s brother also told the press that he was the first to identify his sister in the water. He said he did so by recognizing the clothes she was wearing. He thanked the divers for their efforts, adding:

“I come to take her back home.”

The actress’ mother Panida could not believe the reason behind her daughter’s death. The Bangkok Post reported that Panida believes that an argument with others on the boat led to her daughter’s death. She said:

“Someone might not have been pleased Tangmo was there.”

A volunteer rescue worker also said that a deep cut was found on the actress’ thigh however the cause behind the same remains unknown.

No one was charged for her death at the time of writing this article.

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