Who Was Harmony Montgomery? Wiki, Biography, Age, Parents, Siblings, Missing, Found Dead & News

Harmony Montgomery was a five-year-old girl who loved Minnie Mouse, being a big sister, and playing with her dolls. She was also a victim of horrific abuse, neglect, and murder at the hands of her father, Adam Montgomery, and his estranged wife, Kayla Montgomery. Her tragic story has shocked and saddened the nation, exposing the

Harmony Montgomery was a five-year-old girl who loved Minnie Mouse, being a big sister, and playing with her dolls. She was also a victim of horrific abuse, neglect, and murder at the hands of her father, Adam Montgomery, and his estranged wife, Kayla Montgomery. Her tragic story has shocked and saddened the nation, exposing the failures of the child protection system and the cruelty of human nature. This article will explore the life and death of Harmony Montgomery, the investigation and trial of her killers, and the impact of her case on the public and the authorities.

Harmony Montgomery Bio/Wiki

Birthdate, Childhood, Biological Parents, Brother

Harmony Montgomery was born on June 8, 2014 (age: 5 years, when died), in Massachusetts, to unmarried parents with a history of substance abuse and domestic violence. Her biological mother, Crystal Sorey, had another son, Jamison, from a previous relationship. Harmony’s father, Adam Montgomery, was in a relationship with his estranged wife, Kayla Montgomery.

Harmony spent the first two years of her life in foster care, as her mother struggled with addiction and homelessness. She was briefly reunited with her mother in 2016, but was removed again after Sorey tested positive for drugs and failed to comply with the court orders. Harmony was then placed with a foster family in Massachusetts, where she thrived and bonded with her foster parents and siblings.

In 2019, Adam Montgomery, who had been in and out of jail for various offenses, obtained custody of Harmony and moved to New Hampshire with her. He claimed that he wanted to give his daughter a better life and that he had reformed his ways. However, the reality was far from that. Harmony was subjected to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by her father and his estranged wife, who lived with them in a squalid apartment in Manchester.

She was isolated from her biological and foster families, as well as from school and social services. She was denied medical care, food, clothing, and toys. She was beaten, burned, choked, and raped. She was forced to sleep in a closet, a bathtub, or a car trunk. She was treated like a disposable object, not a human being.

Height, Weight

  • Height: 3 feet 2 inches
  • Weight: 16 kg

A Mysterious Disappearance

Harmony Montgomery was last seen alive in late 2019, but authorities in Manchester, New Hampshire, only started looking for her two years later, in December 2021. The reason for this delay was that no one reported her missing, not even her father, who claimed that he had sent her to live with her mother in Massachusetts. However, this was a lie, as Sorey had not seen or heard from her daughter since 2019, and had no idea where she was.

The investigation into Harmony’s disappearance was triggered by an anonymous tip from a relative of Kayla Montgomery, who had learned about the abuse and the death of the child from Kayla herself. The relative contacted the Manchester Police Department and the New Hampshire Division of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF), and provided them with disturbing details about what had happened to Harmony.

The police launched a massive search for Harmony, hoping to find her alive, but fearing the worst. They searched the apartment where she had lived, the vehicles that her father had used, and various locations where her body might have been hidden or dumped. They also interviewed witnesses, relatives, friends, and neighbors of the Montgomerys, and reviewed records from schools, hospitals, and social services. They appealed to the public for any information or sightings of Harmony, offering a reward of $10,000 for any leads.


However, despite their efforts, they could not locate Harmony or her remains. They concluded that she had been killed by her father in late 2019, and that her body had been moved from place to place for months, before being finally disposed of in 2020, using a rented truck. They also determined that Kayla Montgomery had been complicit in the abuse and the cover-up of the murder, and that she had lied to the authorities and the grand jury about what she knew.

A Shocking Trial

On October 24, 2022, Adam Montgomery was arrested and charged with second-degree murder, falsifying physical evidence, and abuse of a corpse, in connection with Harmony’s death. He pleaded not guilty and maintained his innocence, blaming his estranged wife for the crime. He was held without bail, awaiting trial.

On February 6, 2024, the trial of Adam Montgomery began at the Hillsborough County Superior Court in Manchester, with Judge Amy Messer presiding. The prosecution, led by Assistant Attorney General Christopher Knowles, presented a gruesome and compelling case against the defendant, based on physical, forensic, and testimonial evidence. They showed photos, videos, and recordings of the abuse that Harmony had endured, as well as the items and locations that had been used to conceal her body. They also called witnesses, including experts, investigators, relatives, and friends, who testified about the horrific conditions that Harmony had lived in, the injuries and signs of trauma that she had exhibited, and the lies and excuses that her father had made to explain her absence.

The most important and controversial witness for the prosecution was Kayla Montgomery, who had agreed to cooperate with the authorities in exchange for a plea deal. She had pleaded guilty to perjury charges and was serving an 18-month prison sentence. She took the stand and admitted that she had witnessed and participated in the abuse and the murder of Harmony, and that she had helped her husband move and dispose of the body.

She also revealed the motive behind the crime: jealousy and resentment. She said that Adam Montgomery had hated Harmony because she was not his biological daughter, and that he had blamed her for ruining his marriage and his life. She said that he had wanted to get rid of her, and that she had gone along with him, fearing for her own safety and that of her sons.

The defense, led by attorney James Brooks, tried to cast doubt on the prosecution’s case, arguing that it was based on circumstantial evidence and unreliable witnesses. They challenged the credibility and the motives of Kayla Montgomery, portraying her as a manipulative and self-serving liar, who had killed Harmony and framed her husband for the crime.

They also questioned the validity and the accuracy of the forensic and the physical evidence, suggesting that they had been tampered with or contaminated. They claimed that Adam Montgomery had loved Harmony and had tried to protect her from his estranged wife, who had a history of mental illness and violence. They asked the jury to consider the lack of a body and a confession, and to give the defendant the benefit of the doubt.

The trial lasted for three weeks, during which the jury heard from more than 50 witnesses and saw more than 200 exhibits. The closing arguments were delivered on February 28, 2024, with both sides making their final appeals to the jury. The prosecution urged the jury to find Adam Montgomery guilty of all charges, saying that he had robbed Harmony of her life and her dignity, and that he deserved to be held accountable for his actions. The defense asked the jury to find Adam Montgomery not guilty of murder, saying that he had been falsely accused and that there was reasonable doubt about his involvement in Harmony’s death.

The jury deliberated for two days, before reaching a verdict on March 2, 2024. They found Adam Montgomery guilty of second-degree murder, falsifying physical evidence, and abuse of a corpse. They also recommended that he receive the maximum sentence for each charge, which amounted to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The judge accepted the jury’s verdict and recommendation, and sentenced Adam Montgomery accordingly. He showed no emotion as he heard the verdict and the sentence, and did not make any statement or apology.

A Lasting Impact

The case of Harmony Montgomery has had a profound and lasting impact on the public and the authorities, who have expressed outrage, grief, and disbelief over the fate of the young girl. Many people have paid tribute to Harmony, by leaving flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, and candles at the apartment where she had lived, and by holding vigils, rallies, and fundraisers in her memory. Many people have also demanded justice and accountability for Harmony, by calling for reforms and improvements in the child protection system, and by supporting legislation and initiatives that aim to prevent and combat child abuse and neglect.

One of the most notable examples of such efforts is Harmony’s Law, a bill that was introduced in the New Hampshire Legislature in January 2023, by State Representative Renny Cushing. The bill proposes to create a statewide database of missing children, to require mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect, to enhance the training and the oversight of child welfare workers, and to prioritize the best interests of children over parental rights in custody matters.

The bill is named after Harmony Montgomery, and is inspired by her case and other similar cases of missing and abused children in New Hampshire. The bill has received bipartisan support and endorsement from various organizations and groups, including the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, the New Hampshire Children’s Trust, and the New Hampshire Department of Justice. The bill is currently pending in the House Children and Family Law Committee, and is expected to be voted on in the near future.

Another example of the impact of Harmony’s case is the creation of the Harmony Montgomery Task Force, a multi-agency team that was formed in January 2023, by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, the Manchester Police Department, and the DCYF. The task force is dedicated to finding Harmony’s body and

