How old is Doug Batchelor? When is Doug Batchelor's birthday? Where is Doug Batchelor born? Where did Doug Batchelor grow up from? What's Doug Batchelor's age?
Doug Batchelor Born: March 9, 1957 (age 66years)
Is Doug Batchelor married? When did Doug Batchelor get married? Who's Doug Batchelor's married to? (Who's Doug Batchelor's husband / wife)?
Doug Batchelor Spouse: Karen Batchelor
How about Doug Batchelor's parents?
Doug Batchelor Parents: Ruth Batchelor, George Batchelor
What denomination is amazing facts ministries?
Amazing Facts is a non-profit Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic ministry based in Granite Bay, California, which broadcasts daily television programming worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Scripture, and especially focuses on the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14.
Who is Doug Batchelor's wife?
Amazing Facts is a non-profit Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic ministry based in Granite Bay, California, which broadcasts daily television programming worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Scripture, and especially focuses on the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14.