Mary Welch Autopsy: What did Physician Say About Her Deth?

On August 2, 2018, Mary, a 10-month-old baby pssed away in Solon Township, Kent County, Michigan, from starvation and dehydration. Welchs parents were responsible for the mrder of her 10 month old daughter.

On August 2, 2018, Mary, a 10-month-old baby pἀssed away in Solon Township, Kent County, Michigan, from starvation and dehydration. Welch’s parents were responsible for the mμrder of her 10 month old daughter.

What was Found in Mary Welch’s Autopsy Report?

During the initial investigation, the county sheriff testified that the family residence was unsanitary. He cited evidence of insects, mold and vermin. According to the physician who conducted the autopsy, the infant had chronic malnutrition, which was brought on by the deprivation of food and water.

CPS moved to revoke the couple’s parental rights when Mary pἀssed away. When Mary Welch’s father Seth Welch discovered her deἀd in her cot in August 2018, the infant weighed only eight pounds and was the size of a newborn.

Sources said, images of the infant displayed at Welch’s trial in Michigan indicated Mary’s eyes were drooping and her body was shrunken.

Richardson projected pictures of the baby’s body to the jury and said:

“She had absolutely no muscle. Look at this miserable little thing. Her body was eating itself; her muscles were atrophying.”

Richardson said that the infant who was kept in a moldy crib had so little muscle from starvation that she was unable to cry or move her arms. Welch allowed his daughter to perἰsh because she was too frail and little to assist on the farm, as per the reports of WOOD-TV.

Tatiana Fusari, the mother of the kid is charged with both homἰcide and child maItreἀtment in connection with the same occurrence. Welch took nearly 45 minutes even after he found his baby deἀd before dialing 911. She was described as being “deἀd as a doornail” in the 911 operator call that was played throughout the trial.

Before her parents discovered the infant deἀd in their Michigan home, she had been left alone for 19 hours, the jury was told during the trial. Charles Clapp, the defense counsel said throughout the trial that Mary’s parents had never taken the kid to the doctor before due to their religious convictions.

Welch refuted claims that he had starved his daughter at the time of his detention. Welch said:

“We were feeding her chicken, potatoes, apples, cheese. We were giving her the good stuff, She died. It’s a trἀgedy… The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh.”

Welch told reporters shortly before his arrest that he thought taking the infant to the doctor was just as dangerous as not going and that he thought her deἀth was due to something else. Welch said:

“I feel like I’m being unfairly prosecuted and used as an example because of my extremely deep beliefs.”

Recently, we covered other people’s autopsy reports in our previous posts and you can check them out by clicking on the links provided below:

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