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Nostradamus, a 16th-century French astrologer known as “the prophet of doom,” has a few foreboding predictions for 2024.
According to his 1555 text “Les Propheties” (“The Prophecies”), this year brings continued global strife, including war on the seas, royal turmoil and humanitarian disaster.
His vision of the future is laid out in 942 poetic verses called quatrains, and while his writings are somewhat vague, he has been credited with foreseeing the rise of Adolf Hitler, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Sept. 11 attacks and COVID, to name a few.
In spite of some who falsely believed his text had predicted the apocalypse in 1999, his visions continued — and have this to say for 2024:
Prince Harry becomes King
One of the passages in his long text says that a “King of the Isles” will be “driven out by force.” Some think Nostradamus is referring to King Charles III. Another passage supposedly about Charles says “soon afterward [a disastrous war] a new King shall be anointed / Who, for a long time, will appease the earth,” according to IFLScience.
British author and Nostradamus commentator Mario Reading, who previously said Nostradamus may have predicted Queen Elizabeth II’s death, analyzed that King Charles III would be abdicating due to “persistent attacks on both himself and his second wife,” and Harry would replace him instead of William because he — the “Spare” heir — has “no mark of a king,” The Daily Mail reported.
China wages war
Nostradamus predicted “combat and naval battle” and said that a “Red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great Ocean in dread.”
Some think that the “Red adversary” could be referring to China and their red flag.
The “naval battle” could be referring to China’s tensions with the island of Taiwan. Beijing, the capital of China, has the largest navy in the world.
Climate disaster
The climate crisis has become more apparent in recent years with an increase in drought wildfires and record-high temperatures.
Nostradamus predicts it will get even worse.
“The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen,” he wrote.
He also predicted extreme weather events and world hunger.
“Very great famine through pestiferous wave,” he said.
A new Pope
Pope Francis could soon see a replacement, according to the astrologer’s predictions.
“Through the death of a very old Pontiff, A Roman of good age will be elected, Of him it will be said that he weakens his see, But long will he sit and in biting activity,” he wrote.
Pope Francis, who is days shy of his 87th birthday, has been having health issues.
The Pope had to skip the U.N. climate conference because of lung inflammation and breathing problems from the flu.
While some of Nostradamus’ doomsday predictions seem bleak, fear not, his most fearsome 2023 predictions have yet to come true with just a few weeks left before the new year.
This year, Nostradamus predicted the coming of the antichrist as well as a full-blown World War III.